Our Mission Statement
UK General Practice is in a state of radical transformation. NHS England has stated an ambition for greater integration between health & social care. In NWL the Primary Care Network (PCN) has been identified as the primary unit for co-ordination & collaboration of these services (NWL ICB interpretation of Fuller Stocktake 2022).
General Practice has & will always be a complex health & social care environment & is in almost all circumstances defined by the nature & requirements of the population it serves. Variation in the mode with which services are provided between individual GP units is therefore not only to be expected but also to be encouraged when done well.
However, H&F Central PCN believes that access to services, the quality of service-provision, & integration between networks, with secondary care, with community services, with social care & with the third sector should be standardised across a network.
H&F Central PCN therefore aims to achieve the following goals:
1. Work collaboratively with other PCNs within the ICS/ICB area, to help shape & support their ICS/ICB, helping to ensure full engagement of primary care in developing & implementing local system plans
2. Develop & implement strategic plans, supporting quality improvement & performance across member practices
3. Develop & implement strategic plans for workforce development, through assessment of clinical skill-mix & development of a PCN workforce strategy
4. Implement agreed service changes & pathways & to work closely with member practices, the commissioner & other networks to develop, support & deliver local improvement programmes aligned to national priorities
5. Develop local initiatives that enable delivery of the PCN’s agenda, working with commissioners & other networks to reflect local needs & to ensure initiatives are coordinated
6. Work closely with other primary care, health & social care providers, local commissioners & LMCs
7. Participate in PCN research studies & work with local primary care research networks & research institutions
8. Contribute to the strategy & wider working of the ICS/ICB
What is a Primary Care Network?
Primary Care Networks (PCN) offer a new way of organising care, bringing together health & care services in a local area to deliver more joined up care to local populations.
PCNs will include to following services:
- GP services
- Pharmacies
- Community health services
- Mental health services
- Adult social care
- Voluntary organisations
What staff & services are available from H&F Central PCN?
- Pharmacy services
- Podiatry services
- Dietitian services
- Social prescriber
- Paramedic/home visiting services
What practices are part of H&F Central PCN?
- Ashchurch Surgery
- Hammersmith Surgery
- North Fulham Surgery
- Sterndale Surgery
- West Kensington GP Surgery
Our Team
Mr Mike Archer
Chief Executive Officer
Dr James Jensen-Martin
Senior GP Partner – Sterndale Surgery
PCN Clinical Director
Dr Paula Fernandes
Senior GP Partner – Hammersmith Surgery
PCN Director
Dr Nemonique Sam
Senior GP Partner – North Fulham Surgery
PCN Director
Dr Kamal Winayak
Senior GP Partner – Ashchurch Surgery
PCN Director
Dr Paul Skinner
GP Principal – West Kensington GP Surgery
PCN Director